Knowledge Service Providers

Are you a Training Academy, Coaching Institute, Corporate, School, College, University, Individual Expert, Consultant Or a Private Tutor? Use our Knowledge Exchange to increase your effectiveness and business


If you are a mentor or are a part of a mentoring organization that engages in a prolific learning system, here is what we can offer to increase your business and its effectiveness:

1. You can use our existing portfolio of courses (JEE/NEET/GRE/GMAT/SAT/LSAT/MCAT/GRADE 5-12) in your training programs with automated feedback remedial to every student. Our partners our adding new programs regularly.
Benefit: Ready course material, Assignment, Tests on Dynamind. All of this you can use to make your training more effective
2. You can automate the entire training administration
Benefit: No usual time consuming administrative headache
3. You can create your own offerings that come automatically under our portfolio of courses and training program
Benefit: This gives you life long royalty
4. Get Smartphone enabled immediately
Benefit: Our 'Afynity' App gives you global exposure. It gives easy access to the end users

If you are a student and want to participate in a productive and fruitful learning environment, join us in our venture that enables:

1. Tracking of your progress providing feedback remedial at every step
2. Daily improvement and analysis of your performance
3. Finding the perfect mentor and combining the power of technology and teaching


Are you a student, trainee, company employee?

Use our 'Dynamind' enabled courses and training program for better learning outcomes. You have an option of accessing this on 'Afynity' App too.

Presently available coures:

JEE/NEET/GRE/LSAT/GMAT/SAT/MCAT/ Class 5-12 Science and Math

For best results, adopt One-to-One Learning Use Dynamind.
Benefits of One-to-One Learning